AL-INVEST Verde announces Second Call for Innovative Proposals to boost the green economy in Latin America

  • AL-INVEST Verde seeks to promote sustainable growth and the transition of Latin American SMEs towards more circular models.
  • Component 1 of the programme works in partnership with a consortium of institutions, comprising Latin American and European private sector organisations, led by sequaGerman non-profit development organisation.
  • The Second Call for Proposals opens up new funding opportunities for organisations representing the private sector.

Lima, 23rd May 2023. AL-INVEST Verde, a programme funded by the European Union (EU), seeks to promote the growth of SMEs in Latin America by supporting their transition towards a more circular economy that allows them to implement sustainable practices such as reducing the carbon footprint of their processes and increasing efficiency in the use of resources. Thus, the programme opens a Second Call for proposals for innovative projects to expand funding possibilities for green economy initiatives.

The second call for proposals was announced on 23 May this year and will run until August. In order to participate, project proposals must be submitted by a consortium of at least one Latin American and one European Union institution. In addition, one of them must be defined as leader or lead applicant and the others as co-applicants. Eligible institutions are organisations representing the non-profit private sector belonging to the EU and Latin American countries such as Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela.

Component 1 of the programme is led by sequaa German organisation that promotes the development of projects and programmes at a global level and that has been working together with institutions such as the Guatemalan Exporters' Association (AGEXPORT), the Brazilian Confederation of Trade and Business Associations (CACB), the Lima Chamber of Commerce in Peru (CCL), the Chamber of Industry, Commerce, Services and Tourism of Santa Cruz in Bolivia (CAINCO), the Employers' Confederation of the Mexican Republic (Coparmex Jalisco) and EUROCHAMBRES, an institution that represents the chambers of commerce of Europe.

The AL-INVEST Verde programme has a duration of five years. It started in December 2021 and will end in November 2026. It is worth noting that this is the sixth edition of the programme, which has a 28-year history. During the first call, 137 proposals were received and 24 projects are currently being implemented in the various countries of the region.

About AL-INVEST Verde

AL-INVEST Verde is a European Union programme whose main objective is to promote sustainable growth and job creation in Latin America by supporting the transition towards a low-carbon, resource-efficient and more circular economy. Through Component 1, the programme manages funds for the implementation of innovative projects of small business associations to promote sustainable practices in the private sector. Component 1 is led by sequa, a German non-profit organisation operating worldwide with the aim of promoting the private sector.
