Regional proposal to strengthen food safety control or assurance systems.

Through this action, an analysis of the food safety control or assurance systems in the Official Agricultural Health Services and reference laboratories of the Andean Community Member Countries: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru will be carried out. Following this analysis, a regional proposal for strengthening these systems will be presented, with the aim of promoting exports of agricultural products to the European Union. The General Secretariat of the Andean Community (SGCAN), the National Agricultural Health and Food Safety Service of Bolivia (SENASAG), the Colombian Agricultural Institute (ICA), Agrocalidad (Ecuador) and the National Agricultural Health Service of Peru (SENASA) are cooperating. 

Implementation period: January 2024 - September 2024.

Expected results

  1. Identification and prioritisation of the main agricultural products exported to the European Union and the food safety requirements and regulations applied for their export.

  2. Needs analysis of the food safety control or assurance system in the Official Agricultural Health Services of the Member Countries of the Andean Community with regard to agricultural products for export prioritised for the EU.   

  3. Capacity assessment of the reference laboratories of the Member Countries of the Andean Community for the prioritised agricultural export products destined for the EU.

  4. Identification of needs specific training and a proposal for the exchange of international experiences.

  5. Project profile proposal regional articulation and strengthening of food safety capacities to facilitate the export of agricultural products to the EU. 



Support to the Andean Community countries for the export of agricultural products to the EU

Lima, 26 January 2024. On 25 and 26 January, at the headquarters of the General Secretariat of the Andean Community (SGCAN) in Lima (Peru), the presentation of the action that the SGCAN and AL-INVEST Verde will carry out jointly to promote exports of agricultural products to the European Union took place.

Andean Community countries meet in Peru to analyse first results of AL-INVEST Verde-supported action

Lima, 29 July 2024. From 24 to 26 July, representatives of Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru met at the headquarters of the General Secretariat of the Andean Community (SGCAN) in Lima (Peru). Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru to learn about and analyse the first results of the action supported by AL-INVEST Verde for the export of agricultural products to the European Union.


Taller: "Análisis y propuesta regional de fortalecimiento de los sistemas de control o aseguramiento de la inocuidad alimentaria en los países de la Comunidad Andina para favorecer las exportaciones de productos agrícolas a la Unión Europea"
Taller “Análisis y propuesta regional de fortalecimiento de los sistemas de control o aseguramiento de la inocuidad alimentaria y laboratorios de los servicios oficiales de sanidad agropecuaria”
Fortalecimiento de los sistemas de control en la Región Andina