AL-INVEST Verde programme announces implementation of Call 2 partnership projects for the benefit of the private sector

Component 1 of the Programme announces the start of the implementation of its partnership projects following the Second Call for Proposals. Projects will focus on two thematic areas: deforestation-free farming systems and value chains; and transition towards low-carbon, resource-efficient and more circular business models.

Forty-two initiatives have been selected for the implementation of which the European Union is providing a contribution of more than 12 million euros. These projects will be implemented in Latin American countries such as Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela.  

These projects add up the other 24 projects already under implementation, following the First Call for Proposals. More details here

In total, the Programme will promote the implementation of 66 projects benefiting SMEs in the region, with a total investment of almost 25 million euros. 

More information on the total number of projects:

29 projects are aimed at optimising deforestation-free value chains in the agri-food industry..

37 projects are implemented with a view to transitioning business models towards optimising resource use and carbon emissions.

170 partner organisations to achieve the implementation of these projects. 621 Latin American TTP3Ts and 381 EU TTP3Ts.

  • Agro: coffee, cocoa, beekeeping, food, fruit, forestry, livestock, agribusiness.  
  • Industrial: textile garments, construction, chemical, automotive. 
  • Multisectoral: plastics and packaging. 
  • Services: waste management and use of raw materials; and sustainable tourism. 


The First Call was launched on 28 March 2022. The call for proposals closed on 4 July. A total of 136 proposals were received, of which 24 projects were selected.

The implementation of these projects seeks to improve productivity and competitiveness through innovation, the promotion of sustainability and the inclusion of MSMEs. 


The Second Call for Proposals was announced on 23 May 2023 and ran until August. More than 161 initiatives were received, from which 42 projects were selected focusing on two pillars: the promotion of deforestation-free agricultural value chains and the transition towards low-carbon, resource-efficient and more circular business models.

The diversity and regional scope of these projects will allow for a significant impact on SMEs and small producers.