CONECTAGRO Workshop "Digital Guide for Sustainable Agriculture: A Technical Approach with Doctor Agro".

Taught by visionaries Adriana Soto and Virginia Romero, co-founders of DoctorAgro with experience in agribusiness, rural development, health, plant production and production chains.

In this workshop, we will explore practical solutions for integrated pest and disease management, fertilisation plans according to crop phenology and production area, seed information and strategies to promote agro-sustainability.

DoctorAgro is a digital tool that provides simple and freely accessible information to farmers for the sustainable management of their crops, promoting equitable access to information regardless of socio-economic status, gender or location. It seeks to generate an improvement in farmer health, healthy harvests for the consumer, the recovery of agrobiodiversity and to migrate to resilient agriculture.

Don't miss this unique opportunity to cultivate success in your field!

  • Date: 07 December 2023
  • Time: 10.30 to 12.00 (Peru time)
  • Format: Virtual
  • Organiser: PLANTAS - Chamber of Commerce of Ica, under Component 1