Training on productive cooperativism in the agricultural sector
This action supports capacity building in Ecuador to promote and consolidate productive cooperativism in the agricultural sector as a basis for the governance and operation of a national traceability system. It cooperates with the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG) of Ecuador to train staff of the MAG, the National Institute of Popular and Solidarity Economy (IEPS) of the Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion (MIES), the Ministry of Production, Foreign Trade, Investment and Fisheries (MPCEIP), the Ministry of Tourism (MINTUR) and the Decentralised Autonomous Governments (GAD) of the provinces of (Pichincha and Manabi).

Implementation period: October 2023 - November 2023.
Expected results
- Training to more than a hundred public sector officials and leaders of organisations of the Popular and Solidarity Economy (EPS) on the scope and implications of the latest reform of the LOEPS, Organic Law of the Popular Solidarity Economy (16/05/23).
- Strengthening governance of the chains mentioned in the European regulation on supply chains free of deforestation and forest degradation, through training, socialisation and dissemination of the policy for the promotion of cooperativism of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of Ecuador.
- Support for the organisation of a international seminar on productive cooperativism on 29 November 2023 in Quito.