Strengthening Argentinean testing and certification laboratories
This action is developed in collaboration with the Ministry of Economy of Argentina, through the Secretariat of Industry and Productive Development, and the National Quality Plan. Its objective is to support national laboratories in identifying their needs in relation to the standards for exporting bovine leather, wood, soya and derivatives to the European Union. The action is divided into three phases: firstly, it will analyse the requirements established in the legislation and in the testing and product standards; secondly, it will compare the EU requirements with local regulations; and finally, it will identify the capacities that companies must develop in order for their tests to be recognised worldwide.

Implementation period: June 2023 - December 2023.
Expected results
- Characterisation of technical standards The European Union's new rules impacting on exports of bovine leather, timber, soybeans and derivatives that can be certified by national laboratories.
- Analysis of the commercial situation between Argentina and the European Union on bovine leather, timber, soya and derivatives.
- Analysis of the needs of laboratories Argentineans to adapt to the EU testing requirements for sustainability and quality of the selected exportable products.
- Elaboration of recommendations.

Strengthening Argentinean testing and certification laboratories
Buenos Aires, 27th July 2023. The Ministry of Economy, through the Secretariat of Industry and Productive Development, and AL-INVEST Verde/Component 2 will work jointly with the National Quality Plan for the strengthening of Argentina's national laboratories in charge of the public and private quality system.
Visit to laboratories to assess their ability to meet EU export standards
Buenos Aires, October 02, 2023. A team made up of AL-INVEST Verde and officials from the Argentinean Undersecretariat of Industry visited 22 national testing and certification laboratories to assess their capacities to comply with EU technical norms and sustainability and quality standards.
Talk on the importance of laboratory accreditation in international trade
Buenos Aires, 14 December 2023. AL-INVEST Verde expert, Anahí Monier, gave a talk entitled "The importance of laboratory accreditation in international trade", invited by the Secretariat of Science and Technology, Faculty of Forestry Sciences of the National University of Misiones (FCF UNaM).