AL INVEST-Verde Project, Ecuador Chapter: Implementation of sustainable and eco-innovative practices.


General Objective: Promote environmentally responsible production, consumption and integrated management of solid waste in Ecuador, based on the principles of the circular economy.

Specific Objective:Implement sustainable and innovative production practices in SMEs and/or associations that support the transition to a circular business model.

It has been formulated considering the importance of implementing strategies to achieve the transition towards sustainable business models, which will allow them to compete in international markets. SMEs will have high impact results, such as the reduction of production costs, the increase in sales based on the development of new sustainable products, efficient use of resources, reduction of waste, but above all these actions lead to the generation of sources of employment by involving women in the different sustainable actions.

FEDEXPOR and the Chamber of Almeria have considered prioritising work with women and vulnerable groups in the different actions to be implemented. The achievements of the ambitious Sustainable Development Goals (ODS)The gender equality and women's empowerment agenda, in particular those affecting gender equality and women's empowerment, requires transformative change, integrated approaches and innovative solutions. 

Innovation is key to moving beyond business as usual and making the SDGs reach all people. Innovation and technology offer opportunities to break trends and reach those most at risk of being left behind. This is why we will focus on working with innovative SMEs that promote gender equality, integrating gender issues into innovation, promoting innovation and entrepreneurship among women and implementing innovative solutions that respond to needs. 

It is therefore key to engage in partnerships, with the aim of accelerating change in the industry, as well as to remove barriers to women's advancement in the spheres of innovation, and even more so considering the environmental sustainability approach, which we will work on during the implementation of the project, developing specific services within the organisations and continuing to support the companies after the project has ended.

Implementing Consortium:

Coordinating entity:

Partner entities:  


SMEs and/or associative groups in the agri-food, textile and wood sectors throughout the country, which are carrying out sustainable actions with a high degree of circularity.

Other data:

Region/Cities of implementationDuration BudgetN° of beneficiary SMEs 
National outreach 24 months (from March 2023 to March 2025) €375.000300 SMEs

Contact this project: 

Isabel Quiroz

Project Manager - FEDEXPOR