Asunción, 19 July 2023. In the framework of the technical assistance that AL-INVEST Verde provides to the Investment and Export Network (REDIEX) of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Paraguay to support the transition towards sustainability in the forest value chain, the following activities were carried out three sessions exchange on trade and sustainability with different actors in the chain.
During the meetings, organised by ETIFOR Srl, spin-off of the University of Padua in charge of the technical assistance, presented the results of the diagnosis The study was carried out following a fact-finding mission last February.
Among other issues, the importance of implementing sustainable practices in the forestry sector was highlighted as a tool for the insertion in international trade. Proposals for the development of the forestry sector derived from the diagnosis were also shared and received important feedback from the main stakeholders. stakeholders.
The first session, held on 11 July in Asunción, was attended by representatives of the Vice Ministries of Industry and Trade, MyPymes and REDIEX, the National Forestry Institute (INFONA), the Ministry of Environment and Development (MADES), the Paraguayan Timber Federation (FEPAMA), the Development Finance Agency (AFD) and representatives of academia. On July 13, the format of the exchange was replicated in Caaguazú and Coronel Oviedo, respectively, with the presence of local entrepreneurs and municipal authorities and the government of Caaguazú.
About AL-INVEST Verde
AL-INVEST Verde is a European Union (EU) programme whose main objective is to promote sustainable growth and job creation in Latin America by supporting the transition towards a low-carbon, resource-efficient and more circular economy. Through Component 2, led by FIIAPP in consortium with IILA, the programme provides assistance for strengthening public policy and multi-stakeholder dialogues on sustainable agricultural and value chains, environmental and labour standards, as well as sustainable trade and economic policy and regulatory frameworks.