Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: 21 - 28 Jan 2025
- Time: 1:00 AM - 1:00 AM
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Events for 27 January

Events for 28 January

Events for 1 February
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Events for 27 February
Events for 28 February
- 21 - 28 Jan 2025
- Event is over!
- 7:00 AM - 7:00 AM
AL-INVEST Verde Education: Training of Trainers in Funding Sources
The main objective of the event is to train the technical team of the executing institutions to guide the beneficiary SMEs on the importance of financing, the identification of opportunities and the characterisation of the sources of financing.
It is aimed at projects implemented under Component 1 of the AL-INVEST Verde programme, especially those working with SMEs in the agricultural and agro-industrial sectors. This training module is organised jointly with Interactuar, an organisation that implements the "Business School" project together with Fundación del Valle in Colombia.
The training consists of two 90-minute sessions. At the end of the two sessions, participants will receive a digital certificate.
- Date: 21 and 28 January 2025
- Time: 16.00 (CET)
- Mode: virtual
- Language: Spanish
About the exhibitor:

Liliana Tabares is an industrial economist specialising in Finance and Capital Markets. She has complementary studies in Innovation, Technology Management, Training Engineering, technical and financial leverage processes for MSMEs and knowledge in strategies with a focus on local community development.

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