Training of trainers in traceability and good agricultural and commercial practices for the cocoa value chain.

Through this action, technical assistance is provided to the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG) and the Agency for Regulation and Phytosanitary and Zoosanitary Control of Ecuador -Agrocalidad-, to facilitate the adaptation of the cocoa value chain to the requirements of the regulation on products free of deforestation and forest degradation (EUDR). AL-INVEST Verde has delivered a training course to improve the sector's capacities to comply with the EUDR requirements, in collaboration with the European Union in Ecuador and the SAFE programme of the German-GIZ Cooperation. 

Implementation period: November 2023 - September 2024.


  1. Training for more than 100 representatives of the public, private and academic sectors linked to the cocoa value chain. in five provinces of Ecuador.

  2. Capacity building on traceability and good agricultural practicesThe EU's new EU Deforestation Free Regulation (EUDR).

  3. Systematisation of results of each of the courses given.

  4. Online training and field visits to explore geolocation techniques. that help to comply with the due diligence process and with legal, deforestation-free production.



Formación de formadores en Trazabilidad y Buenas Prácticas Agrícolas y Comerciales, para la cadena de valor del cacao. Ecuador