Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: 26 - 27 Sep 2024
- Time: All Day
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Events for 27 January

Events for 28 January

Events for 1 February
Events for 2 February
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Events for 3 February
Events for 4 February
Events for 5 February
Events for 6 February
Events for 7 February
Events for 8 February
Events for 9 February
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Events for 10 February
Events for 11 February
Events for 12 February
Events for 13 February
Events for 14 February
Events for 15 February
Events for 16 February
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Events for 17 February
Events for 18 February
Events for 19 February

Events for 20 February
Events for 21 February
Events for 22 February
Events for 23 February
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Events for 24 February
Events for 25 February
Events for 26 February
Events for 27 February
Events for 28 February
- 26 - 27 Sep 2024
- Event is over!
- All Day
Green Gateway: Virtual workshops on the use of IPRs to promote sustainable trade between Brazil and the EU
The Green Gateway Days are a collaboration between the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), the National Industrial Property Office (INPI) of Brazil, the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo (FIESP) and the National Service of Industrial Learning (SENAI) of the State of São Paulo, in the framework of Component 3 of the AL-INVEST Verde programme for intellectual property rights, AL-INVEST Verde DPI.
The main objective is to provide Brazilian producers with the knowledge and tools necessary to take advantage of intellectual property rights (IPRs), especially trademarks and designs, as strategic assets to access and compete in the EU market. In addition, specific regulatory aspects related to regulations and strategies on the use of trademarks on sustainable products and services and strategies to protect and promote sustainable designs will be discussed. Case studies of successful brands and designs in the transition to sustainability will be included.
The conference will feature experts from the EUIPO and other specialists who will share their knowledge and experience in the field of intellectual property and sustainable trade. This conference will provide a unique opportunity to understand how IPRs can be used not only as tools for protection, but also as levers for sustainable growth and competitiveness in the international arena.
Register here: https://forms.office.com/e/KstyrAbRE6

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