Emilio Calvo, Director of AL-INVEST Green Component 2: "Our goal is to promote greener and more sustainable value chains".

Madrid, 15 November 2022. Component 2 of AL-INVEST Verde promotes the sustainability of the agriculture, livestock and forestry sector in Latin America. To this end, it provides technical assistance to the Latin American public sector with the objective of supporting the implementation of public policies, regulatory frameworks or regulatory systems that enable the development of sustainable production models.

This is explained in an interview by Emilio Calvo, director of Component 2 of AL-INVEST Verde, led by the Fundación Internacional y para Iberoamérica de Administración y Políticas Públicas (International and Ibero-American Foundation for Public Administration and Policy).FIIAPP), in consortium with the International Italo-Latin American Organisation (IILA).

He points out that there are increasingly stringent sustainability requirements worldwide. AL-INVEST Green aims to be a ally of Latin American institutions to adapt to these premises, in particular to European regulations, while promoting policy dialogue in the region to share good practices.

"Agriculture, livestock and forestry are the three strategic sectors. The programme works with all of them and we hope to achieve the same overall result: promoting greener and more sustainable value chains, with fair labour standards and with a special focus on gender equality," he says.

About AL-INVEST Green

AL-INVEST Verde is a European Union (EU) programme whose main objective is to promote sustainable growth and job creation in Latin America by supporting the transition towards a low-carbon, resource-efficient and more circular economy. Through Component 2, led by FIIAPP in consortium with IILA, the programme provides assistance for strengthening public policy and multi-stakeholder dialogues on sustainable agricultural and value chains, environmental and labour standards, as well as sustainable trade and economic policy and regulatory frameworks. 

Further information: www.alinvest-verde.eu