Support to the Andean Community countries for the export of agricultural products to the EU

Lima, 26 January 2024. On 25 and 26 January, at the headquarters of the General Secretariat of the Andean Community (SGCAN) in Lima (Peru), the presentation of the action that the SGCAN and AL-INVEST Verde will carry out jointly to promote exports of agricultural products to the European Union took place.

To this end, a workshop was organised to agree on the work plan, the objective of which will be to analyse the food safety control or assurance systems in the Official Agricultural Health Services and reference laboratories of the Andean Community Member Countries: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.

The event was attended by representatives of the SGCAN, the National Agricultural Health Service of Peru (SENASA), the National Agricultural Health and Food Safety Service of Bolivia (SENASAG), the Colombian Agricultural Institute (ICA) and Agrocalidad. On behalf of AL-INVEST Verde, the director of Component 2, Emilio Calvo, was present, together with the specialist technical team.

During the meeting, which was also attended by the directors of Food Safety and of the reference laboratories for agricultural products exported to the EU, the objectives and expected results for the products under study were established and the working methodology was established.

More sustainable agri-food systems

In 2020, the European Union published the Farm to Fork Strategy, which aims to achieve the 2050 climate neutrality targets set out in the European Green Pact. The Strategy proposes measures to promote the transition to more sustainable agri-food systems based on food security and food safety.

The entry into force of this and other European food safety standards implies, among other issues, the reduction of the use of chemical pesticides in agriculture and the reduction of the amount of residues allowed in agricultural products. In this context, the action presented will promote collaboration for the needs of adaptation to the new European regulations and, consequently, strengthen the quality infrastructure to facilitate exports of agricultural products to the EU.

To this end, dialogues have been held with the competent institutions in the field, such as the Official Agricultural Health Services of the governments of Bolivia (SENASAG), Colombia (ICA), Ecuador (Agrocalidad) and Peru (SENASA). In each of the countries, the main sectoral and institutional needs for exporting to the EU in terms of agri-food health and safety have been compiled.

In the coming months, missions will be carried out in the four countries, where the action will be socialised with the competent authorities, laboratories will be visited and meetings will be held with the associations of the products under study: quinoa, avocado and ginger in Peru; quinoa, chestnut and peanuts in Bolivia; cocoa, banana and pitahaya in Ecuador; and passion fruit, gulupa and avocado in Colombia.

In July, the results and conclusions of the analyses carried out in the four countries of the Andean Community (CAN) will be presented and a project profile for strengthening and regional coordination to facilitate the export of agricultural products to the EU will be agreed among all parties.

About AL-INVEST Verde

AL-INVEST Verde is a programme funded by the European Union (EU). Its main objective is to promote sustainable growth and job creation in Latin America by supporting the transition towards a low-carbon, resource-efficient and more circular economy. Through Component 2, led by FIIAPP in consortium with IILAThe programme provides assistance for strengthening public policy and multi-stakeholder dialogues on sustainable agricultural and value chains, environmental and labour standards, as well as sustainable trade and economic policy and regulatory frameworks. 
